Writing Groups

ARTSWORDS Writers’ Café

ARTSWORDS Writers’ Café meets at 7pm on the last Tuesday of the month at Friends Meeting House, 79 Eastcott Hill, SN1 3JF. Sessions finish at 9pm.
At the Writers’ Café, the emphasis is on writers and would-be writers connecting with one another, having a chat, and offering feedback on one another’s writing.
Everyone and anyone interested in writing is welcome!

For further information contact: matt@lowershawfarm.co.uk

ARTSWORDS Writers’ Kitchen

ARTSWORDS Writers’ Kitchen meets monthly at 7pm at Lower Shaw Farm, SN5 5PJ, to look closely at pieces of writing and work in progress. It’s a session for any writer who wants to get to grips with the challenge of making every word work, and punctuation too!

For more information contact: matt@lowershawfarm.co.uk

ARTSWORDS Mum’s the Word

ARTSWORDS Mum’s the Word Writing Group is a writing group for mothers who want to write and who want to discover more about how to put ideas and experiences into words and see them in print.

Mum’s the Word welcomes all mothers, especially those who always wanted to write but for whom, understandably, the role of parent has been so absorbing and duty-filled that writing has had to take a back seat.

Mum’s the Word is a friendly and helpful group, with companionship and guidance.

Mum’s the Word meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of the month, at 7.30pm at Lower Shaw Farm, SN5 5PJ. Contact Helen Allen at mumsthewordwriting@outlook.com

For further information about any of these groups, see Artswords’ monthly Newsletter or contact matt@lowershawfarm.co.uk

Tel: 01793 771080